A Letter

Today I wrote a letter
Not unlike others I wrote before
Didn’t say anything any better
I put it with the others in a drawer.

I was trying to find words
That would best express the way I feel
Explain all that’s occurred
If they could, make an effort to heal.

I was thinking of star crossed lovers
Both quirky in their different ways
Hearts broken like so many others
Felt words desert me in search of a significant phrase.

I was trying to conjure a sentence
For you to read and comprehend
Offer some form of repentance
Of why I turned out like other men.

I was trying to excuse the immaturity
Of a strong willed adventurous youth
Trying to show it was no ruse as I wrote assuredly
That every word ink filled, was a word of truth.

The more words I tried to grasp
The more they slipped from my grip
And I cursed all time past
Knowing better should of passed my lips.

© Daniel Breslin

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