Builders And Destroyers

Man, I love my family
More than my words can describe
In my darkest moments
Extended family braced my side.

I was going through hardships
I’ll not bore you with the deets
But at times I needed comfort
Those family were my peeps.

I only briefly had a father
So many have such a lot less
If you got Uncles and Aunties
I hope you know you’re blessed.

I could lean on mine for comfort
I hope that’s something you have
For at times my mind was in such discomfort
Without them I might of gone mad.

Now your family might be your friends
If you got trust that’s as good I guess
For if your family don’t offer trust
You’ve been blessed that little less.

You go out and build your own
I got friends I trust and are family too
One day find a partner build a home
Try give that family what wasn’t given you.

Now we can go out and curse the world
For all we have lost or haven’t got
But that’s never been my style
And I hope it’s always not.

There are builders and destroyers
Ask yourself which one are you
And when your building’s been destroyed
You destroy another or build one new?

Now me I’ve always been a builder
Building is what I do
And normally if you’re willing
You’ll find a million willing builders too.

What I build keeps getting bigger
My family getting bigger too
Though I’ve had to rid the odd figure
As I figure, what’s next in prints of blue.

© Daniel Breslin