Tag Archives: letting go

The Art Of Letting Go

The art of letting go
Is an art I hate to know
Letting go of those I love
Is not something I do that good.

But it is something
That’s becoming familiar
This one’s different
But the pain is similar.

The art of letting someone be
When they don’t want to be with me
The art of finding new growth
And in heartbreak, rebuilding hope.

The art of letting go
Is an art I hate to know
But it’s an art I’m learning slow to fast
As we can’t build our futures in the past.

The art of accepting our mistakes
Realising those we love can feel for us some hate
Is undoubtedly a bitter pill to take
I accept some flaws but I had some weights.

A lot of growth comes out of pain
I’d a lot of hope in this flame
My heart is broke, that’s the name
But I’ve been a blind dope, so I can’t complain.

These were my years of suffering
These were my years of hurt
The years where a lot of what I put my work in
Didn’t seem to work.

These were years of loss
These were years full of pain
And as I weigh up and accept the cost
Want to ensure the coming years aren't the same.

So I’m a dust myself down
Take a look at the road
And try to move on
Even if I’m moving slow.

So I’ll be working on me
I’ll be working on growth
And I’ll be trying to see
New opportunities for hope.

For I am nothing
If not a man of growth
And I am nothing
If not a man of hope.

I’ll be healing my heart
And I’ll be getting stronger
I felt for this one deeply
So healing may take a little longer.

I’ve been holding on
Waiting for that final blow
My heart needed to see it in their eyes
Before it could let go.

The art of letting go
Is an art I hate to know
Letting go of those I love
Is not something I do that good.

The art of letting go
Is an art I hate to know
But I’m learning slow to fast
For we can’t build our futures in the past.

The art of letting go
The art of starting fresh
The art of letting go
Can feel a lot like death.

The art of letting go
The art of moving on
My heart’s been feeling low
With being on its own and strong.

So maybe the art of letting go
Is trying to teach me the art of letting in
And the art I hate to know
Is trying to show, there’s a new art to begin.

© Daniel Breslin