Tag Archives: Daniel Breslin

Sitting In

I’ve been sitting in
Sipping on my beers
Letting tracks spin
Music to my ears.

I rejoice in company
People free my soul
But sometimes all I want to be
Is in a small space I control.

Where I can just kick back
Maybe grab a pen and pad
Play track after track
Be them happy, loud, or sad.

Music soothes my fears
Beers are few and drunk down slow
Just a few hours free of peers
Before week appears and in machine we go.

Music and a good woman
Often impact on me the same
It’s when alone you deepen lovin’
As they feed your soul and sooth your brain.

I’ve been sitting in
Sipping on my beers
Letting my tracks spin
Music to my ears.

© Daniel Breslin

Sing To Me Woman

Sing to me woman
Let your soul scream
A melodic hum
For a dumb boys dream.

Sing to me woman
Pierce sound waves
For a night just begun
And a better run of days.

Sing to me woman
Late after dark
Sweet subtle sounds
From a rip roaring heart.

Sing to me woman
Save my damned soul
With a melodic hum
To beat a drum of heart stole.

Sing to me woman
For you do it so well
Turn night into Sun
Make a heaven outta hell.

Sing to me woman
Sing for us all
Let death hear us coming
Buzzing, for life is a ball.

© Daniel Breslin

She Wants

She’s just a child, who wants it all
She wants your heart, to watch you fall.

She wants control, to hear your screams
She wants your soul, make you fear your dreams.

She wants to know, the power is hers
Which you bestow, when you shower with words.

She wants your eyes, so you can’t see
Without her guise, you fear you cannot be.

She wants your hands, so they can’t fight
She wants you man, she wants your might.

She wants your feet, so they can’t walk
You must hear her speak, but you must not talk.

She wants your tears, they oil her parts
Sooth her fears, spoil her heart.

She Was My Lover

She was beauty personified
And I was often mesmerised
Still I chose,
To hurt another
She was my lover
A lonely other
I was her lover
I ran for cover.

Now we move in different lives
And she’ll be loving other guys
All the while my eyes
Have been closed over
I’ve been blinded by the sound
Of that burning light in the background
It’s pierced my mind
And frayed my vision.

Now I think of long ago
A girl I knew
A man I know
Who use to think he spoke
with such wisdom.
For now I see the falling leaves
Barren branches on once green trees
I hear their last cries echo around me.

‘Time will change and always go
Mocking all you thought to know
If you don’t follow
It will kill you surely
Kill you slowly
But kill you surely.’

On we move, different paths we pave
All leading to the one grave
Not always time to stay
For move we must.
In clouds of dust
We’re often thrust
In trails of dust
We choose to trust.

She was beauty personified
And I was often mesmerised
Still I chose to hurt another
I was her lover
A lonely other
She was my lover
I ran from cover.

© Daniel Breslin

Self Indulgence

I am sorry if I scared you
If my affect on you was bad
I was unaware I swear to you
Thoughts of myself were all I had.

I was selfish and self conscious
Never stopping to think of you
Dealing with myself being unresponsive
With most you tried to do.

I was ignorant now I see
Though it may have been something I had to do
At the time all I could see was me
Though it’s allowed me to see all the good in you.

Forgive my time of self indulgence
For spending so long looking within
I am here to offer encouragement
In all you wish to begin.

© Daniel Breslin