Tag Archives: Daniel Breslin

Place Of Solace

Come here at my lowest
Come here when I’m high
Every breath’s a bonus
Among sights which rectify.

The sky is in the water
Water is in the sky
Nature’s all around me
Time seems not apply.

Come here at my lowest
Come here when I’m high
A person can find such solace
Simply pleasing their eye.

The sky is in the water
The water’s in the sky
I found my place of solace
Where time just passes by.

© Daniel Breslin

Pain In Your Heart

There’s a pain in your heart
Use it to be a fighter
For now it is dark
But you’ve to look to the brighter.

No room for self pity
The world moves so quickly
Life won’t wait for you
So why wait for life?

Time don’t stop
Till you pull through
So don’t drop
Stand and fight.

When life gets hard
Raise your guard
Go that extra yard
Extra mile
Don’t crack under the pile
Always look for things that make you smile.

A fighter takes it on the chin
Does their best to keep a grin
So don’t choose to pack it in
It’s you who’ll lose if you lose the grin.

© Daniel Breslin


Sometimes I lie back
Just look at the sky and stare
See birds spread their backs
And fly from here to there
When skies are black
Stars and moonlight pierce the air
Often wish someone beside me to chat
Because these are sights to share.

When skies are blue
Calm and all at ease
On my back there is such a view
As I gaze up through heads of trees
See clouds float so low
Sometimes so close to touch they tease
It’s pure beauty I bestow
As I feel a glow, off sights I too rarely heed.

Sometimes I bask them in
And they do me good when I’m alone
It’s good to see the woods
Grass and sky instead of stone
Get out and taste the air
Leave the chair at home
Staying still breathes despair
While these legs were born to roam.

© Daniel Breslin

One To Be

The one who sees the good in you
The one who sees the love in you
The one who encourages you in what you should do.
The one.

The one who makes you want to be a better man
The one you want to make a partner in plans
The one who makes you give a damn.
The one.

The one you can picture in your mind
In numerous instances, numerous times
In their own unique bodies design.
The one.

The one who puts a smile on your face
When you’re full of stress or in a tough place
By simply smiling or laughing in chaste.
The one.

The one you want to wake up to
Tell your dreams, fears, and hear theirs too
The one who makes you feel something new.
The one.

The one you find and may try and run from
Because you fear your heart and the change to come
Or if you give too much and damage is done.
The one.

The one who makes you forget the rest
For compared to them they now seem less
The one who makes you want to take the greatest test.
The one.

But for the one to be
Now it takes two
So before you give your heart
Make sure the one you see
Sees, some one 
In you.

Or just let it all go
Go with the flow
For one to taste the greatest high
One must face, the greatest low.

© Daniel Breslin